What do I do?

I left a law firm in 2017 to start the legal education platform TCLA. TCLA is profitable, we’ve grown to 50,000 monthly active users, and we run the largest dedicated forum for aspiring lawyers. We’re also completely bootstapped (zero outside funding).

Most importantly, this post explains why I do what I do.

What is the newsletter about?

Jaysen’s Newsletter is a weekly newsletter where I write about the process of running a business in the UK.

As a sole founder, it’s hard. It’s hard to decide what decisions to make and what to prioritise. It’s hard to tackle big projects without a guidebook to follow. It’s hard to manage my time and switch off.

I have learned a lot through trial and error and by making mistakes. I always wished that I could follow someone as they built their business, so this is what I am trying to do here.

Every month I’m learning, and I share my progress so you can follow along too. If you’re planning to start your own business now or in the future, hopefully, you can then avoid some of the pitfalls I fall into.

Why should you subscribe?

You should subscribe if you are interested in following the highs and lows of building a business. One of the stresses of running a business is that it always feels like it could end at any time, so I don’t know how this story will end - but I will write about it along the way.

You should also subscribe if you want to read about my thoughts on any of the following: authenticity, productivity, deep work, organisation, mindset, writing thinking for yourself, and building a business in your own way.

In particular, I am really leaning into the idea of staying small, which goes against a lot of conventional wisdom. I aim to build a business that optimises for happiness in the day-to-day, rather than aspiring towards some imaginary end point.

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You can also follow my daily updates on Twitter here.

Subscribe to Jaysen’s Newsletter

A weekly newsletter about my journey of running a business as a solo founder and designing a business that optimises for happiness. Follow me in my journey to building the largest community for aspiring lawyers.


I left a law firm in 2017 to start the legal education platform TCLA. I write about the process of learning to run a business as a sole founder.